Friday, June 28, 2013

Judge Matthew Gary Disabled Family Court Victim Homeless but Surviving

Disabled Parent Now Homeless Due To Unlawful Order Issued by Judge Matthew Gary for Partner of Judge Pro Tem Attorney J. Scott Buchanan

kathryn werdegar – goodwin liu – marvin baxter – ming chin – joyce kennard – carol corrigan – tani cantil-sakauye – The Honorable Joyce L. Kennard - The Honorable Marvin R. Baxter - The Honorable Kathryn M. Werdegar – Supreme Court of California - Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye -The Honorable Ming W. Chin The Honorable Carol A. Corrigan - The Honorable Goodwin Liu – The Honorable Tani Cantil-Sakauye -Current California Supreme Court Justices – Justice Cantil-Sakauye – California Supreme Court
Tani Cantil-Sakauye, Carol Corrigan, Joyce Kennard, Kathryn Werdegar,
Ming Chin, Marvin Baxter and Goodwin Liu of the California Supreme Court
are ultimately responsible for socioeconomic injustice in California courts,
including this disabled, homeless victim of Sacramento Family Court.
This story is at Sacramento Family Court News:

"The disturbing aftermath of an unconscionable $920 child support order issued by Judge Matthew J. Gary shows one of the ramifications, and the inexorable human cost of what court watchdogs contend is unchecked family court corruption and cronyism. The April, 2012 order gutted the monthly disability income of unrepresented, financially disadvantaged family court litigant Susan Ferris from $1,256 to $336. Gary had previously issued anequally unlawful order prohibiting the 52-year-old single mom from having any contact with her daughter, Megan. The April support order financially devastated Ferris, leaving her with far less income than she needed for food, utilities, and rent. After several months under the order and behind on her rent, Ferris was evicted from her East Sacramento home and became homeless. The same court order records that her ex-husband, David Ferris, earns $8,089 per month. Click here to view Gary's minute order, obtained and posted online exclusively bySacramento Family Court News. As a result of the order, Susan Ferris' credit has been thrashed, the repo man came for her car, and the eviction will now be part of her renter's report, making it virtually impossible for her to rent a home in the future.

Like orders issued by the same judge in other cases, both minute orders contain no facts or law justifying the draconian rulings, making them patently illegal under state law. The comparison to orders in other cases reveals a consistent pattern that infers a calculated and deliberate intent to conceal from review the judge's misuse of Family Code statutes for the prohibited purpose of punishing unrepresented parties. Gary, a fervent right-wing ideologue, also detests what he reportedly calls the "entitlement mentality" of family court parties who obtain fee waiver orders or are on public assistance, according to a court employee. The template-like repetition of the judge's bad faith tactics and overt socioeconomic bias also evinces an abdication of oversight responsibilities by Court Executive Officer Chris Volkers, superior court Presiding Judge Laurie Earl, and family court Supervising Judge James Mize."

To read the complete story, visit Sacramento Family Court here. 

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