Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Fed Up With Govt Misconduct, Federal Judge
Takes Nuclear Option
Judge Morrison C. England Jr. ordered the
entire judiciary recused from a case another 
judge called "egregious" and "reprehensible"

Sierra Pacific levels corruption
allegations in renewed legal fight
over Moonlight fire

Why every American should care
about California's Moonlight fire case.
Question What happens when lawyers uncover what could be explosive evidence of misconduct in a $122 million
case by attorneys in the Department of Justice? Answer~ the Department of Justice tries to have all defense
lawyers who have even read about the alleged government misconduct removed from the case and gagged from
discussing what they know.

Prosecutors Burn Down the Law
How fire investigators distorted evidence to loot a company.

Prosecutorial misconduct has become an ugly commonplace of
modern government, manipulating the legal system to attack easy
political targets. So some good news: The courts may dismantle a
California settlement that was a product of fraud by prosecutors.
The story began in 2007 with the :Moonlight Fire in California that
burned some 65,000 acres, about two-thirds on federal land. Within
48 hours and while the flames were still burning, the state's
department of forestry and fire protection, known as Cal Fire, and
the U.S. Forest Service blamed the disaster on Sierra Pacific, a
Redding-based company that owns some 1.2 million acres of

The Washington Post - A wildfire of corruption

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