Court Reporter: Family and Children

Vital Information about Family, Court, Judges, Attorneys, Pro Per, Family Law, Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody, Law, and Court Rules.


You are never alone when you have the: 

“Angels of TRUTH"

EVERYONE - If you MUST go to Court, make sure you have a:

*******COURT REPORTER*******
It is VITAL to Never  go to Court Alone ! It is critical to have eyewitnesses on your side in court. After your hearing, it is very likely that there will be disagreement about what occurred at the hearing. When push comes to shove, whose version do you think will be believed? Yours or the judges? 
If at all possible, bring at least 3 people with you. They MUST be over 18 and NOT a party to your case.
“Objective Observers”
“Court Watchers”
We refer to our witnesses as Court Watchers, because that is exactly what they do. The Court Watchers are your insurance policy. Court Watchers can write declarations or affidavits about what happened at your hearing. With Court Watchers, instead of it being your word against a judge, it becomes the sworn, written, eyewitness testimony of three other people and you against the judge. 
(A friend of mine had Judge Matthew Gary disqualified from presiding over his case based on 3 Court Watcher affidavits)

Having a Court Reporter Levels the Playing Field Because the Judge will Know She or He is "On the Record"

The mere presence of a court reporter at your hearing will change the balance of power. Having a court Reporter gives us our best chance that the judge and the opposing attorney will follow the law. But the most important person that will be affected is...


The Judge Will Know That The Hearing is Being "MEMORIALIZED”
by a court reporter. 

Phone # for Sacramento Court Reporters are:
“The Angels of TRUTH”
Angela 916-875-3462
Tara 916-875-3461

Please, Call them the minute you know your
Court Date

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