Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Attorney Misconduct in Family Court is Common - BE PREPARED

Divorce Lawyers May Not Follow the Law and Ethical Rules - BE PREPARED

Supreme Court of California – Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye – Associate Justice Carol A. Corrigan – Associate Justice Joyce L. Kennard – Associate Justice Kathryn M. Werdegar – Associate Justice Ming W. Chin – Associate Justice Marvin R. Baxter – Associate Justice Goodwin Liu – Justice Cantil-Sakauye –California Supreme Court - The Honorable Joyce L. Kennard - The Honorable Marvin R. Baxter - The Honorable Kathryn M. Werdegar – Supreme Court of California - Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye -The Honorable Ming W. Chin The Honorable Carol A. Corrigan - The Honorable Goodwin Liu – The Honorable Tani Cantil-Sakauye -Current California Supreme Court Justices – Justice Cantil-Sakauye – California Supreme Court
The Corruption Capitol of family courts is Sacramento. California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye used to be a judge in Sacramento Family Court. She now runs the Supreme Court and covers up judge and attorney misconduct for her old cronies in Sacramento. 
Family law attorneys are well known for often being unethical. If you don't have a lawyer and your spouse does, you will be at a massive disadvantage. You must know the law and know the ethics rules for lawyers. A really good overview of lawyer misconduct and ethics is at Sacramento Family Court News. Click here to view the page. The page includes these important things to know about: 
"When attorneys appear in court, under California law they are required to tell the complete truth whether or not they are under oath. Under California law, telling only part of the truth is considered the same as telling a lie, and withholding or concealing relevant information during a court hearing is the same as telling a lie. And is considered fraud upon the court, or fraud on the court. "False statement of fact," "explicit false statement" or "affirmative misrepresentation" are the legal, technical terms for what the general public refers to as a lie. 
When attorneys file papers in court, under California law they are required to to tell the complete truth whether or not the paperwork is filed under penalty of perjury. Under California law, telling only part of the truth in any court filing by an attorney is the same as telling a lie, and withholding, concealing, or omitting relevant information in court filings is the same as telling a lie. And is considered fraud on the court.
Under California law, most forms of deceit and dishonesty by an attorney are considered acts of moral turpitude. Under Business & Professions Code § 6106, the commission of any act of moral turpitude constitutes cause for disbarment or suspension from the practice of law. Click here to view this code section. Moral turpitude is defined by decisions of the California Supreme Court, decisions of the State Bar Court, and other authority. There are more than 100 types of lawyer misconduct that are considered acts of moral turpitude. Click here for a State Bar list of attorney actions that constitute moral turpitude." 
This is just a portion of the attorney misconduct page at Sacramento Family Court News. Visit the page to read the rest

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